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Be The Culture


In the fall of 2016 //

” Sometimes it’s when you give to others that beautiful things come back to you. 

September 2016, my sister’s birthday has arrived and I wanted to make her a gift, a special one that was uniquely hers and had her name engraved on it. I made her a notebook that whoever saw, simply fell in love with. A year later the Zuriell notebook was born.

Today we’ve sent thousands throughout the world, with every notebook a smile was brought to a loved one, a business deal was closed, and we helped each person write stories that are worth reliving.”

– Sandra Hallal


Zuriell started as a gift that came back to us, it was our turn that we would give back to the world.

There’s nothing that motivates us more than knowing we are making a difference in someone’s life, even if the slightest one. This brought us to this beautiful partnership with DECE, through their help, every Zuriell product is made by a man or a woman from the poor Roma community in Romania.

Your purchase helps to restore hope and empower people living in poor communities.

The Team


Chief visionary & founder

Creating, designing and living life to the fullest are what make me wake up everyday ready to experiment and start something new.

My journey in the design world started with architecture, but when I discovered my passion for designing beautiful and functional products, Zuriell came into existence.

Ramona Gheorghiu



Observ detalii si imi place sa le comprim in imagini si secvente. Am lucrat in fotografie si videografie.   Cel mai mare talent al meu este in a organiza lucrurile, mai ales portbagajul atunci cand vine vorba de o calatorie. Imi este natural sa vad intreaga imagine si sa iau initiativa acolo unde trebuie.


Social media & marketing legend

Sunt pasionat de orice tine de online si mai ales de zona de social media.

Dupa ceva ani petrecuti intr-o agentie de digital, am ales sa ma implic in proiecte dragi mie, cum ar fi Zuriell. Sunt fericit si mandru sa fiu parte din acest proiect!